Animated Drawings Movies

River Woman - Ecuador - by Maureen Kendal

Travelling on the Napo River. (Spanish: Río Napo) is a tributary to the Amazon River that rises in Ecuador on the flanks of the east Andean volcanoes.

Squawking parrots were eating the chalk from exposed cliffs, The Napo River was grey, swirling, wide. Its furious water cutting into its muddy banks. The flat bottom boat zigzagged up the river avoiding fast moving logs. The boat steered into a stream and was bounced from bank to bank to arrive at a village. An Amazonian woman described how they use their dreams to live in the Amazonian jungle then demonstrated how to kill snakes. The women sat by river banks. Others sat in their traditional homes demonstrating how to use fire to cook and smoke food.

Later back in England, I remembered these women of the Napo River in the Amazon. As I drew in the Studio, I dreamt of the jungle intertwined with the drawing easel as I drew with other women artists at the Royal Drawing School in London. Later, as an act of alchemy, I burnt my Cybercare business cards on a barbecue in the garden, I dreamt of communities of women I had been with, and felt that they were sitting with me and we together watched the smoke and ashes.

Animated Drawing Movie | Duration - 2min 13 seconds | Size 318.8MB | Format MPEG-4 movie

Accompanying Movie Stills below